DENO is Coming to DestroyNode
Deno is in incubation stage, still its a baby. credits to Ryan Dahl for creating this.
Deno is a new runtime for ‘JavaScript’ and ‘TypeScript’ and ‘Webassembly*’.
primarily, it is build on top of :
Tokio (Event Loop)
But Why ? Isn’t this exactly what Node Does ?
JavaScript and the web have changed significantly. Since, Node was designed in 2009.
. promises, async functions.
. Async iterators/generators.
.ES Modules.
. Typed Arrays.
Node has some problems
Nodejs has a module system that works but, clearly the future of module system is ECMA-Script modules and Node has buffers and the world now a days and the browser has typed arrays. So, you know the JavaScript language has moved on and then Node itself has problems too. The module system NPM (Node Package Manager) is centralized.
When, you install a module you will get hundreds or thousand of files which are actually mostly not used when you run your program. we don’t like that Nodejs “has no security model”.
Problems with its module system, with centralized distrubution.
Lots of legacy APIs that must be supported.
No Security model.
An explosion of tooling(grunt, gulp, webpack, babel, parcel, typescript, ts-node, …).
Deno is quite opposite, let’s take a look at DENO.
. Single Executable
. TypeScript as a first-class language.
. Import third party code directly from URLS.

. web Standard APIs
fetch, crypto, Blob, TextEncoder, worker, etc..,
. Built in tooling.
Code formatting
Utility Script Installation
Doc Generation
Code Linting
Compiling to Self-Contained executable
>> Link for Deno page
Why Rust ?
Rust is a multi-paradigm system programming language focused on safety, especially safe concurrency. Rust is syntactically similar to C++, but is designed to provide better memory safety while maintaining high performance.
In C++ you have to write everything yourself, or spend 80% of your time maintaining the build system.
In Rust, just add a ‘Crate’.
// Deno itself can be a crate with Node.js. of course nodejs is a very useful tool but sometimes you want to run v8, v8 plus some extra features inside a different context very well known for that is “Electron.js”. //

There’s a lot to do for Deno v1.0
Improved WASM support
“OP” creates.
Public Compiler API
Single Binary Bundles
Web Crypto (Plus usable std lib)
More Web Platform APIs.
Proper Documentation
A better RUST binding for V8 (rusty_V8)
That’s it for now, thank you for taking time to read this blog. For now, DENO is in incubation stage, no need to worry about the Nodejs existence for now , according to my point of view , DENO takes time to evolve. Thanks for your support . in next story, lets dive deeper into comparison of NODE v/s DENO. performance and everything.